Aliyev: “We have certain optimism about the peace process” -


Aliyev: “We have certain optimism about the peace process”


Yerevan /Mediamax/. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed hope today that "the border delimitation commissions of Azerbaijan and Armenia will not waste time and will actively work on defining the border between the two countries, which actually does not exist.”

Azerbaijani media reports that speaking in Agdam at the opening of the National Urban Planning Forum, Ilham Aliyev said:


“In order to determine the border with a length of more than 400 kilometers, we need to work actively, based on historical documents, historical maps and based on international practice and methodology. The process is underway, but it is difficult to say how successful it will be,” Aliyev added.


He expressed hope that the process of preparing a peace treaty with Armenia “will not take much time.”


“We have certain optimism about the peace process, because a few days ago a meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia was held – the first meeting of this kind with the agenda of preparing a draft peace treaty,” Aliyev said.


He added that “the Armenian population of Karabakh are citizens of Azerbaijan, and Baku is not going to discuss this issue with anyone.”


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