Pashinyan says handing over any village of Tavush out of question -


Pashinyan says handing over any village of Tavush out of question

Photo: Photolure

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said today that “nothing was spoken and cannot be spoken about handing over any village of Tavush region.”

“Names of villages are mentioned in the Azerbaijani media, but such villages never existed in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, neither during Soviet times, nor after. It is necessary to record which the territory of Armenia is, for us to clearly define where Azerbaijan has territorial claims against us and where it does not.


I do not rule out that the delimitation process can start from Tavush region.


Talks about change of territories always existed, but I see that such possibilities are not big. This is why I believe that in the near future we should take actions based on this logic: to install, reconstruct our communications where it is more convenient for us, for them to pass through the territory of Armenia, to avoid problems,” Nikol Pashinyan said at the meeting with reporters.


He promised to visit Tavush region in the near future to get familiarized with the problems on the ground.


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