“Parajanov” movie co-author turns down Armenian State Prize for Yerevan’s stance on Crimean vote - Mediamax.am


“Parajanov” movie co-author turns down Armenian State Prize for Yerevan’s stance on Crimean vote

“Parajanov” movie co-author turns down Armenian State Prize for Yerevan’s stance on Crimean vote
“Parajanov” movie co-author turns down Armenian State Prize for Yerevan’s stance on Crimean vote

Photo: http://odart.od.ua

Yerevan/Mediamax/. "Parajanov” movie co-director Elena Fetisova will not attend Armenian State Prize award ceremony.

“Komentarii” reports that Elena Fetisova sent an open letter to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, which particularly reads:


“With regard to the statement you made concerning Crimean vote by describing it as "another example of realization of the right of peoples to self-determination through the free expression of will”, which I believe as a Ukrainian citizen is a violation of the international legal order and European values as well as threatens the peace and tranquility of the citizens of Ukraine and the entire mankind, I officially state that it’s impossible for me to take part in the award ceremony of the movie makers in Yerevan on March 21”.


“I believe Sergey Parajanov would do the same”, Elena Fetisova stated.


The world premiere of “Parajanov” movie took part in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) International Film Festival in July 2013.


Mediamax notes that another reason for Elena Fetisova’s refusal might be her conflict with the co-director of the movie and leading actor Serzh Avedikyan, about which Ukrainian media wrote back in July 2013.


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