Drugs are trafficked into Australia from Armenia, Sydney paper claims - Mediamax.am


Drugs are trafficked into Australia from Armenia, Sydney paper claims


Yerevan/Mediamax/. Australian The Sydney Morning published an article on trafficking of methamphetamine into Australia, which also mentions Armenia.


According to the paper, supply of large quantities of methamphetamine into Australia is trafficked and controlled by Italian mafia that collaborates with Armenian and Spanish “brokers”.


British-based criminologist Anna Sergi, who worked closely with Italian anti-Mafia investigators, stated the following in the framework of the inquiry conducted by the Parliament of Victoria’s Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee in 2014:  


“The channels to Australia for methamphetamines that we found to have been organised by Italians generally go from Armenia, where they are transported ... to Bilbao (Spain), and then on flights from Prague and Frankfurt, they are ... shipped to Australia.”


According to the criminologist, Italian investigators knew the trafficking of methamphetamines from Armenia to Australia was controlled by the Calabrian Mafia.


Mediamax sent a request to Armenian Police regarding this publication of the Australian newspaper, and will present the answer as soon as it arrives.


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