“Community of Western Azerbaijan” calls on the Armenian government for “immediate negotiations” - Mediamax.am


“Community of Western Azerbaijan” calls on the Armenian government for “immediate negotiations”

Photo: middleeastmonitor.com

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “The Community of Western Azerbaijan” called on the government of Armenia “for immediate negotiations so that the Azerbaijanis expelled by it from their territories could return to their homeland peacefully, safely and with dignity.”

Trend says the statement of the “Community of Western Azerbaijan” particularly says:


“It is hypocritical on the part of the Armenian government, which does not allow Azerbaijanis to return and live in their homes, to speculate on the rights of Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian nationality living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. The fact that Azerbaijanis, expelled from the territory of present-day Armenia, still cannot return to their homes, and that the situation of mono-ethnic statehood, ethnic cleansing and systematic racial discrimination continues in this country, is a great injustice and a great obstacle to the establishment of a lasting peace.”


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