Risk of new aggression by Azerbaijan remains very high, Mher Grigoryan says - Mediamax.am


Risk of new aggression by Azerbaijan remains very high, Mher Grigoryan says

Photo: Press service of the Armenian government

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan said today that Azerbaijan’s bellicose rhetoric shows its intention to occupy more territories of Armenia.

The Armenian deputy premier stated this at the regular session of the Council of Heads of Governments of the CIS member states.


“Against the background of Armenia’s constructive stance to normalize relations, Azerbaijan does not stop provocative actions and bellicose statements, where the threats of using force are followed by the undisguised aggressive ambitions against Armenia’s sovereign, internationally recognized territory.


This is also evidenced by Azerbaijan’s attempts to attribute regular violations of the ceasefire regime to the Armenian side in an attempt to prepare the ground for a new round of aggression against Armenia. The risk of new aggression by Azerbaijan remains very high,” Mher Grigoryan said.


He noted that to ensure stability and security in the region, it is necessary to immediately withdraw the Azerbaijani armed forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia.


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