Mirzoyan, Lavrov discuss issues on formation of border delimitation commission - Mediamax.am


Mirzoyan, Lavrov discuss issues on formation of border delimitation commission

Photo: Press service of Armenian Foreign Ministry

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Russia Ararat Mirzoyan and Sergey Lavrov referred during a telephone conversation today to the course of implementation of the provisions of the November 9, 2020, January 11 and November 26, 2021 trilateral statements.

Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a news release:


“The heads of the foreign affairs agencies of Armenia and Russia discussed issues related to the formation of the commission on demarcation of border between Armenia and Azerbaijan and border security. The unblocking of economic links and transport communications in the region was also touched upon.


Ararat Mirzoyan reaffirmed Armenia’s position on the establishment of peace and stability in the region and the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Issues related to the bilateral and multilateral agenda of the Armenian-Russian cooperation were also discussed. Views were exchanged on the steps aimed at further strengthening of the allied relations.”


The ministry’s news release, though, has no mention of whether Ararat Mirzoyan and Sergey Lavrov referred to the trilateral meeting of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Brussels on May 22.


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