Bundestag member proposes a donors’ conference to rebuild Artsakh - Mediamax.am


Bundestag member proposes a donors’ conference to rebuild Artsakh


Yerevan /Mediamax/. Member of the Bundestag and the ruling CDU/CSU group Manfred Grund has stated that “a conference of donors has to be formed for rebuilding of Artsakh.”

He has made the statement during the discussions on Artsakh in the Bundestag on October 29.


“A terrible story is being repeated for Armenians these days. As always throughout their history, Armenians are their only hope. As in 1915, during the massacres before and after it, today the world that considers itself civilized is looking away.


Germany has no right to repeat its mistake of 1915 and remain silent about injustice. We must initiate a donors’ conference for the rebuilding of Karabakh today. In other words, we must do everything so that the history of 1915 is not repeated, we must atone for our share of the fault of that time in the present,” said Manfred Grund.


Grund has also stressed that when talking about the self-determination of nations, territorial integrity and other principles, people should not forget that terrorism and war are gross violations of human rights.


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