Zakharova: We do not give ground for the “bacillus of provocation to grow” -


Zakharova: We do not give ground for the “bacillus of provocation to grow”


Yerevan /Mediamax/. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that "Western media outlets are literally ‘all after’ representatives of official Yerevan, pulling out of them answers to provocative questions clearly aimed at causing maximum damage to the multifaceted ties between Moscow and Yerevan.”

Zakharova said this while commenting on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s interview with The Wall Street Journal.


“Unfortunately, such incitement works in the current Armenian realities. We too are often asked provocative questions. But we prefer to answer that we resolve the existing disagreements in our relations, particularly with Armenia, through bilateral channels. We do not give ground for this bacillus of provocation to grow,” the Russian diplomat noted.


“Since the 1990s, the Russian military presence and the presence of our border guards have been in demand for Armenia, given the uneasy situation in the South Caucasus and Yerevan’s unsettled relations with its neighbors. The 102nd Russian military base regularly conducts training activities to improve combat readiness and cohesion with its Armenian counterparts.


Our border guards counter attempts to illegally cross the Armenian-Turkish border, suppress smuggling on the Armenian-Iranian border, and since December 2020 also monitor the Armenian-Azerbaijani borders. All these activities are carried out jointly with the Armenian side, with full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the republic.


As for the Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh, if it were not for them, the situation in the region from the fall of 2020 could have developed with a much more dramatic scenario for Yerevan, especially after the decision of the Armenian leadership to publicly recognize Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan.


Regarding Yerevan’s claims to the CSTO, the efficiency of this organization was convincingly demonstrated during the events in Kazakhstan in January 2022. If the Armenian leadership had agreed to deploy the organization’s observation mission on the territory of the republic, many problems could also have been avoided. However, instead, the Armenian leadership preferred to invite an EU mission, which is engaged in intelligence gathering against Russia and Iran under the guise of monitoring,” Maria Zakharova said.


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