Germany may reconsider its neutral position on Karabakh -


Germany may reconsider its neutral position on Karabakh


Yerevan /Mediamax/. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas did not rule out that Germany may reconsider its neutral position on Nagorno-Karabakh.

During the discussion of the Karabakh issue in Bundestag today, Gregor Gysi of The Left party asked the Foreign Minister about whether the federal government, maintaining its neutral position of a mediator, will continue to call on the parties to cease fire and return to talks, or is it ready to show solidarity with the Armenians?


Minister Maas answered the following:


“Not only us, but many other countries and international organizations as well are ready to play a mediating role. And this role usually requires a certain amount of neutrality, otherwise you will not be accepted as a mediator. If the current situation continues, when Armenia has offered a ceasefire and Azerbaijan has rejected it, then we must ask ourselves - to what extent is it possible to continue maintaining an equally neutral position on both sides?”.


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