Less than half of polled Armenians consider Russia an ally - Mediamax.am


Less than half of polled Armenians consider Russia an ally


Yerevan/Mediamax/. A new survey shows that the public attitude in Armenia towards Russia has become more positive, but Armenians still associate their future with the European Union.

The public opinion poll was conducted by the Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation from July 1 to October 1, 2018.


According to the authors, comparison with the results of a similar poll, undertaken in 2017, demonstrates that the trust towards Russia and CSTO has somewhat grown in the Armenian society in 2018. 


When asked if Russia can be considered Armenia’s ally, 34% of those surveyed in 2017 responded positively, and in the 2018 survey, the percentage of positive replies grew to 41.21.


According to Directo of the Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation Stepan Grigoryan, the increase of positive attitude towards Russia is mostly conditioned by the fact that Russia exercised restraint during the Velvet revolution and did not cause any hindrance.


He believes the survey results break the stereotype that the vast majority of Armenian citizens consider Russia an ally.


Compared to 2017, the positive dynamics of public attitude towards Russia has spread onto the CSTO to a certain extent. While only 15.78% of the people surveyed in 2017 believed that the organization ensured Armenia’s security, the number reached 20.99% in 2018.


When asked if CSTO would support Armenia in case of a war with Azerbaijan, 40.56% of the surveyed responded positively and 59.44% said they did not believe CSTO would help.


Over 88% of those surveyed in 2017 said they wanted Armenia to intensify relations with the EU, and in 2018, 86.85% spoke in favor of intensification.


When asked if the new government should deepen its relations with the European Union, 86.58% responded positively and 13.15% replied “no”.


66.71% of the people surveyed associate Armenia’s future with the EU and 33.29% do not.


Over 69% of Armenian citizens have positive attitude towards NATO.


The public opinion poll included 800 citizens surveyed in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Vayk, Yeghegnadzor, Martuni and other cities. 


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