Number of Russian classes to increase in Armenian schools -


Number of Russian classes to increase in Armenian schools


Yerevan /Mediamax/. The number of classes where the education is delivered in Russian language will be increased in the Armenian schools upon request.

Armenian Education, Science, Culture and Sports Ministry issued a news release today, saying that against the background of the activation of Russian-speaking business environment and investments in Armenia the inflow of the Russian-speaking citizens to the country has increased.


“The latter are particularly interested in the Russian language education opportunities in Armenia. To ensure corresponding educational and business environment in Armenia as well as analyzing the created situation we have offered to expand the number of classes in the Armenian schools delivering education in Russian language upon request, including at a higher level. These classes are intended for the citizens of the Russian Federation as well as other foreign citizens.


The Government of Armenia attaches significance to improving the quality of teaching of Russian language in secondary schools.


In this regard, within the framework of cooperation with the Russian side, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia expects to receive the necessary support to develop the content of Russian textbooks in accordance with Armenian standards, develop a training program for teachers and conduct training courses.”


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