8 quotes from Nikolai Patrushev’s interview - Mediamax.am


8 quotes from Nikolai Patrushev’s interview


On March 27, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published an interview with Secretary of Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev, the reason for which was the “Summit of Democracy” that kicks off on March 28 organized by the U.S. administration.


We bring to your attention 8 quotes from the interview with Nikolai Patrushev.


1.    Speaking hypocritically about freedom of choice, the United States, which has appointed itself the chief dictator of the world, will in fact simply mock countries where sovereignty and democracy are violated by them.


2.    Democracy there is just a beautiful facade of the state system, which is designed to hide the disregard for the rights of ordinary Americans. Anyone who has carefully studied the legal and social-political system of the United States is devoid of illusions about freedom of speech and expression of will in this country.


3.    Since at least 1945, the source of any escalation of tensions on a global scale has been the unrestrained desire of the U.S. authorities to maintain their leading role in the world.


4.    Let’s remember how the same Anglo-Saxons fed the Nazis in the 1930s, hoping to direct them against the Soviet Union. Having earned financial and geopolitical dividends from the results of World War II, today Washington and London are again indulging Nazism and fascism.


5.    The collapse of the European Union is not far off. Of course, the Europeans will not tolerate this supranational superstructure, which not only does not justify itself, but also pushes the Old World into open conflict with our country.


6.    Even during the Cold War, the Pentagon, at the slightest danger from the USSR, was ready to turn Europe into a radioactive desert. It is unlikely that something has changed in the minds of American strategists.


7.    The US dominates Europe, ignoring the fact that the leading role on the continent has historically been assigned to Russia: in the XIX century – to the Russian Empire, in the XX century – to the Soviet Union. It will be so in the XXI century.


8.    Russia is a historical defender of the sovereignty and statehood of any peoples who turned to her for help. It saved the United States at least twice - during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. But I believe that this time helping the United States to maintain its integrity is impractical.




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