Construction of a new Armenian Church in Moscow nearing its completion -


Construction of a new Armenian Church in Moscow nearing its completion


Yerevan/Mediamax/. The leadership of Russian Orthodox Church is glad for the fact that the construction of the new Armenian Church in Moscow is nearing its completion.

Mediamax reports referring the Agency of National News that Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarch Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk said this at the meeting with the representatives of the Armenian community of Moscow.


He highlighted that Armenia is the first country to adopt Christianity.


“This happened in 301, and since then, due to the advocacy of Grigor the Enlightener, honored by the entire Christian world, the Christian history of Armenia started and continues till now, despite numerous trials, which fell on the share of the Armenian people”, Metropolitan Hilarion said.


“The Armenian people is a martyr, since Armenians suffered first of all for their Christian faith”, Metropolitan Hilarion said. “And despite many ordeals, which took millions of lives in the course of centuries, the Armenian people has strongly preserved and continues preserving its faith”.


“Today many Armenians live in America, in countries of Western Europe, but it is known that the largest Armenian Diaspora is in Russia, and Russia has hosted the largest number of Armenians, who were forced to move out of their homeland in different periods”, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarch said.


“It is quite natural that an Armenian Apostolic Church is being build here by the hands of Armenian architects. We follow this construction, we are glad that it is nearing its completion and soon the Armenian community will have their spiritual home here, which will become a center for attraction for many members of the Armenian Apostolic Church and representatives of the Armenian Diaspora”, Metropolitan Hilarion said.

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