International Alert: Enemy images and negative stereotypes are predominant in the media across the South Caucasus -


International Alert: Enemy images and negative stereotypes are predominant in the media across the South Caucasus


Yerevan/Mediamax/. British International Alert non-governmental organization thinks that "enemy images and negative stereotypes are predominant in the media across the South Caucasus”.

International Alert is currently in the final stages of a one-year research work trying to uncover why “enemy images” and negative stereotypes towards opposing sides to the conflicts in the South Caucasus are so deeply entrenched.


According to the research, various South Caucasus regions demonstrate similar results.


“The predominantly young bloggers across the region trade insults and use language to belittle and de-humanize the ‘enemy’. The posts in the blogosphere incite predominantly hate and other negative feelings; bloggers often hide behind the anonymity of the internet. Although less anonymous, the work of the journalists across the region is influenced by similar negative tendencies”, notes International Alert.


Besides, the statement reads that the study of political discourses revealed how the conflicts and more specifically the concept of an ‘external’ enemy are often used around election times by competing factions internally in societies.


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