Robert Kocharyan: “Majority-vote elections in Armenia fuel the process of feudalization of territories” -


Robert Kocharyan: “Majority-vote elections in Armenia fuel the process of feudalization of territories”


Yerevan/Mediamax/. Former Armenian President Robert Kocharyan said that “the majority-vote elections in Armenia fuel the process of feudalization of territories within the borders of these districts, and the authorities, voluntarily or not, contribute to it as they are motivated to reproduction.”

Robert Kocharyan said this in reply to the question of web site, Mediamax reports.


“If I was a staunch supporter of a parliamentary form of government, it would have already been introduced in Armenia after 2005 constitutional referendum (initiated by the President). You can run the state incompetently or wisely both either as a President or a Prime Minister. There are plenty of examples in global politics. The question is not the form of government but the correct collection of checks and balances, performance of the current political construction, traditions and maturity of the civil society.


By the way, the constitutional reform has significantly expanded the authorities of the government, but in practice the role of the government has noticeably reduced.


The proposal of “Prosperous Armenia” (PAP) – is rather a reaction to obvious imbalance in the correlation of real rights and constitutional responsibility of various institutions of the power in the country. Long-term negative consequences of such imbalance are obvious already today. By the way, the half-presidential form of government carries this deficiency even in countries with developed democracy (for example, a few people remember the name of the Prime Minister under President Sarkozy).


I myself adhere to the U.S. model, where the President is in charge of the executive power bearing direct responsibility for country’s economy, whereas the parliament has powerful levers of control. However, the European traditions - are the traditions of parliamentarism, and we in the parameter of the European political process. Besides, parliamentarian form of government   significantly softens the problem of imbalance.


Now, a few words about the transition to 100% proportional system of formation of a parliament.


Majority-vote elections in Armenia fuel the process of feudalization of territories within the borders of these districts, and the authorities, voluntarily or not, contribute to it as they are motivated to reproduction. This is an extremely harmful phenomenon, and the sooner we give it up the better. This is why the number of single-mandate MPs has reduced several times in our country. I’m sorry I haven’t finished this process. Why? The answer is simple: the power wanted to have an advantage under single-mandate districts.


I agreed to give this small interview and explain my position on this very important issue first of all because if I don’t do it, other people will do it instead of me and secondly because I have nothing to do with the initiation of this process.


I would like to give advice to those very “smart” people who see my shadow everywhere: to open eyes and finally see that the PAP has created a team which is able to independently form the party’s political agenda,” the second President of Armenia said.


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