A working group established within border demarcation commission - Mediamax.am


A working group established within border demarcation commission


Yerevan /Mediamax/. By the decision of Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, a working group under the commission on border security and demarcation of the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan was established.

According to the government website, the working group comprises of the head of Armenia’s National Security Service Department (work organization coordinator) Davit Sanamyan, Deputy Defense Minister Arman Sargsyan and other officials from Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, the Cadastre Committee, the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the border guard troops of the National Security Service.


The head of the working group is governor of Tavush Hayk Ghalumyan.


The administrative heads of Noyemberyan, Ijevan, Voskepar, Baghanis, Berkaber, Kirants settlements of Tavush have also been included in the group.


Surveyors and cartographers are also involved to organize the activities of the working group.


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