Lavrov says Lachin corridor issue to be settled soon -


Lavrov says Lachin corridor issue to be settled soon


Yerevan /Mediamax/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said today that the issue of the Lachin corridor blockade will be settled in the near future.

“A meeting of the head of the Russian peacekeeping mission with the representatives of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh took place a few days ago. I think the issue will be settled in the near future,” Sergey Lavrov said at the meeting with journalists.


He noted that according to the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, the Lachin corridor should be open for vehicles, the transportation of goods, citizens.


“A separate provision states that no military cargo should be transported through the Lachin corridor. However, the Azerbaijani side presented data, according to which the Armenian side transported mines through that corridor. Our military are investigating it.


Azerbaijanis say these mines were later used to mine the areas adjacent to the Azerbaijani positions, which is a violation of the trilateral statement. Many mutual accusations are being voiced,” Sergey Lavrov said.


He said that according to the trilateral statement, Russian peacekeepers are entrusted to control the traffic on that road.


“Peacekeepers have the opportunity to check every transport means for prohibited, non-humanitarian, non-civilian goods.”


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