Armenian MFA: Lavrov’s statement calls into question the constructive engagement of the Russia in the normalization process -


Armenian MFA: Lavrov’s statement calls into question the constructive engagement of the Russia in the normalization process

spokesperson of the MFA Ani Badalyan
spokesperson of the MFA Ani Badalyan

Photo: Press service of Armenian Foreign Ministry

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Yesterday's statement by the Foreign Minister of Russia not only causes regret but also calls into question the constructive engagement of the Russian Federation in the normalization process of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, said the Armenian MFA Spokesperson Ani Badalyan answering the question about the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Lavrov that Armenia sabotages the agreement to unblock communications through the Syunik region.

“The false, clearly biased, often disrespectful comments of various officials of Russia’s Foreign Ministry regarding Armenia, unfortunately, are not new, and if you have noticed, it has been a while since we even reacted to them.


The Foreign Minister of the state that once undertook a mediator’s mission, signed the November 9, 2020 Statement and deployed a peacekeeping contingent in the region based on it, cannot fail to see that there is not a single key provision of that Statement that is not irrevocably violated, despite Russia’s signature under the document and its participation and responsibility in the processes envisaged by it.


We also believe that the Foreign Minister of Russia is well aware that apart from public documents, Armenia is not a part of any other agreement and, therefore, cannot sabotage them.

We also consider it necessary to emphasize that the "Crossroads of Peace" project presented by the Government of the Republic of Armenia is already widely recognized among the international community, and it was also presented several times to the representatives of the Russian Federation. We reaffirm that opening regional communications within its framework is possible literally at any moment.


The "Crossroads of Peace" project received a positive response from a number of international partners. We call on our colleagues from the Foreign Ministry of Russia to refrain from sabotaging through biased statements neither the project nor the efforts to achieve peace in the South Caucasus.


The Government of the Republic of Armenia has repeatedly reaffirmed and continues to reiterate its commitment to the peace agenda and will do its part to successfully implement it”,- stated Ani Badalyan .


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