“Expansion of cooperation with Georgia of strategic importance” - Mediamax.am


“Expansion of cooperation with Georgia of strategic importance”

Photo: Photolure

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said today that he "unreservedly supports Armenia’s territorial integrity.”

“I hope that the peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan will be signed. Georgia is ready to positively support the establishment of stability and peace in the region,” the Georgian Prime Minister said at a joint news conference with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Yerevan.


Nikol Pashinyan, in his turn, noted that the possibility of activation of the border demarcation process between Armenia and Georgia was discussed today with his Georgian counterpart.


“Continuous expansion of cooperation with Georgia is of strategic importance not only for our countries, but also from the standpoint of ensuring regional stability and mutually beneficial cooperation,” he said.


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