“NATO’s task is to open a second front against Russia in Transcaucasia” - Mediamax.am


“NATO’s task is to open a second front against Russia in Transcaucasia”

Photo: https://abbv.ru/

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated that “NATO’s task is to open a second front against Russia in Transcaucasia.”

“Stoltenberg’s visit to the South Caucasus region is another attempt to bring the countries of the South Caucasus region into the Euro-Atlantic sphere of influence, which the North Atlantic Alliance and separate member states have been doing for a long time. The point is that the problems in the region seem to have decreased, but who in the West can be satisfied or benefit from this?


The West does not like the relations of these countries with each other and with Russia, which is where the non-stop attempts to harm the relations come from,” Maria Zakharova said.


She noted that “NATO, in general, wants to set the region on fire again.”


“The agreements reached with the mediation of Russia were literally a red rag for the West, because it was indeed a peace path based on mutual respect and consideration of interests,” Zakharova added.


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was visiting Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan from March 17 to 19.


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