Pashinyan hails European Parliament’s resolution -


Pashinyan hails European Parliament’s resolution

Photo: Press service of the Armenian government (archive photo)

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan today referred to the resolution adopted by the European Parliament regarding closer ties between the European Union and Armenia and the need to conclude a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“This resolution expresses unwavering support for Armenia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. It also supports the peace efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


The European Parliament recorded Armenia’s achievements in the field of democracy, rule of law, fight against corruption, which is extremely important for the international perception of our country,” Nikol Pashinyan said at the cabinet meeting.


He noted that this resolution should become a subject for public discussion in Armenia:


“This is another opportunity to discuss the vision of Armenia’s future. I hope that the political forces, non-governmental organizations, different layers of society, citizens will express their attitude towards this message, because such messages need a broader response beyond just the government and the parliamentary majority.


At the same time, I express the will of the government to continue the work towards the further expansion and development of Armenia-EU relations.”


On March 13, the European Parliament adopted a resolution proposing to consider the possibility of Armenia’s membership in the EU. 504 members of the European Parliament voted for the resolution, 4 against and 32 members abstained.


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