Lachin Corridor no longer under Russia’s control, Mirzoyan says -


Lachin Corridor no longer under Russia’s control, Mirzoyan says


Yerevan. /Mediamax/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said today that “trilateral agreements on the unblocking of communications, peace talks, delimitation and demarcation should be the basis of the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations.”

“Russia plays a historic role in this region and has the most serious interests. I am sure that our allies understand this,” Sergey Lavrov said at the beginning of the meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.


He noted that the progress in all these directions has a decisive role for the establishment of sustainable peace in the South Caucasus.


Ararat Mirzoyan, for his part, said that this meeting is “another opportunity to talk about painful topics.”


“It is another opportunity to talk about the situation in the South Caucasus, to hold regular negotiations for the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Armenia constructively participates in the negotiations. We aim to achieve long-term peace in the region,” the Armenian minister said.


He noted that Armenia is committed to the trilateral statements.


“Unfortunately, the situation on the ground is a little different, parallel to the negotiations, there are regular escalations by Azerbaijan, invasion of the sovereign territory of Armenia, gross violations of the November 9 trilateral statement. The most recent of them is the establishment of checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor, which under the November 9 statement should remain under Russia’s control, but we can state that it is not under Russia’s control.


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