Soros urges Europe to “wake up” and prevent “the nightmare” -


Soros urges Europe to “wake up” and prevent “the nightmare”

George Soros
George Soros


George Soros and President of the European Comission Jean-Claude Juncker
George Soros and President of the European Comission Jean-Claude Juncker


American businessman and philanthropist George Soros has published the article “Europe, Please Wake Up” on Project Syndicate, and Mediamax presents several excerpts for your consideration.


A revolutionary moment


Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.


The inflection point and anti-European forces


The next inflection point will be the elections for the European Parliament in May 2019. Unfortunately, anti-European forces will enjoy a competitive advantage in the balloting. There are several reasons for this, including the outdated party system that prevails in most European countries, the practical impossibility of treaty change, and the lack of legal tools for disciplining member states that violate the principles on which the European Union was founded. 


The EU can impose the acquis communautaire (the body of European Union law) on applicant countries, but lacks sufficient capacity to enforce member states’ compliance.


George Soros, Enemy of Azerbaijan


The antiquated party system hampers those who want to preserve the values on which the EU was founded, but helps those who want to replace those values with something radically different. This is true in individual countries and even more so in trans-European alliances.


The party system of individual states reflects the divisions that mattered in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as the conflict between capital and labor. But the cleavage that matters most today is between pro- and anti-European forces.


Europe’s interests and the politburo 


It is difficult to see how the pro-European parties can emerge victorious from the election in May unless they put Europe’s interests ahead of their own. One can still make a case for preserving the EU in order radically to reinvent it. 


George Soros and President of the European Comission Jean-Claude Juncker George Soros and President of the European Comission Jean-Claude Juncker



But that would require a change of heart in the EU. 


The current leadership is reminiscent of the politburo when the Soviet Union collapsed – continuing to issue ukazes as if they were still relevant. 


The magnitude of the threat 


The first step to defending Europe from its enemies, both internal and external, is to recognize the magnitude of the threat they present. 


The second is to awaken the sleeping pro-European majority and mobilize it to defend the values on which the EU was founded. Otherwise, the dream of a united Europe could become the nightmare of the twenty-first century.


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