CoE report: Armenia among countries spending the least on judiciary -


CoE report: Armenia among countries spending the least on judiciary


Yerevan/Mediamax/. According to the new report by the CoE European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Armenia is among the five countries with the lowest public budget allocated to judicial system per capita (8.4 EUR).

The report on judicial systems in 45 European countries indicates that it is almost 8 times lower than the average (64.5 EUR) and 25 times lower than the maximum indicator (Switzerland with 214.8 EUR per capita).


The other countries to score low on public budget allocated to their judicial system are Azerbaijan (7.8 EUR), Ukraine (8.1 EUR), Moldova (8.3 EUR) and Georgia (9.7 EUR).


The average gross salaries of judges in Armenia in comparison to average salaries in the country are high. At the beginning of the career judges earn more than four times the average salary and at the end of their career, more than eight times the average salary. Average European indicator of the end-career judge is 4.5 times the average salary in the country.


Armenia has 61.9 lawyers per 100,000 inhabitants. It is more than twice lower than the European average of 162 lawyers. This indicator is the lowest in Azerbaijan (9 lawyers per 100,000 inhabitants), and the highest in Cyprus – 425 lawyers.


Armenia has a low percentage of females among professional judges (25%), comparable to Scotland (27%) and England and Wales (34%). Only in Azerbaijan the share of female judges is lower (12%). The Europe-wide average is 51%.


84% of enforcement agents are males in Armenia, it is almost the same percentage in Cyprus, Norway, Slovenia or Morocco. At the same time, the majority of notaries in Armenia are females (70%). 


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