Georgia is not willing to deepen relations with Armenia, ANC member thinks -


Georgia is not willing to deepen relations with Armenia, ANC member thinks

Chairman of the ANC Foreign Relations Committee Vladimir Karapetyan
Chairman of the ANC Foreign Relations Committee Vladimir Karapetyan

Photo: PanArmenian Photo

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Chairman of the ANC Foreign Relations Committee Vladimir Karapetyan today critisized the foreign policy authorities have been conducting over the past six years.

“Particularly, nothing has been done to find a way out of the deadlock with neighboring countries, and we still remain isolated”, he said.


Speaking of the relations between Armenia and neighboring countries, the ANC member said “the tension or misunderstanding with Georgia, which existed before, has unfortunately increased”.


In Karapetyan’s opinion, Georgia is not willing to deepen relations with Armenia.


“New challenges emerged related to Armenia’s statement on Customs Union membership and the initialing of Georgia’s Association Agreement with the EU, and we should spare no effort to end this frozen state existing between the two countries”, the ANC member said.


The ANC member notes no positive development in relations with Iran, either. “A turnover decline of around 10% has been registered. And the Iranian Ambassador’s statements on gas pricing show there is some unreliability between the countries”, Karapetyan noted.


“The mutual trust with Turkey has greatly decreased. We have appeared in the situation we had back in 2006-2007 when Turkey was trying to have meetings with the representatives of the Armenian authorities to prove to the international community there is some communication. Presently, Armenian officials again avoid meetings as they don’t want to pour water into Turkey’s watermill of lies and frauds”, he said.


Vladimir Karapetyan sees no serious advance in the issue of Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution, either.


“Armenia wants to return to the Madrid document and Azerbaijan seems to renounce it in an attempt to find more beneficial terms to continue the negotiations”, the ANC member said.


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