AGBU President comments on tensions between the state and church in Armenia -


AGBU President comments on tensions between the state and church in Armenia

Photo: AGBU

Yerevan /Mediamax/. AGBU President Berge Setrakian stated his concern over increasing tensions in Armenia.

The statement of the AGBU President reads as follows:


“Armenia is increasingly experiencing pressure points from both inside and outside the country, raising concerns that the fabric of Armenia’s society is fraying under the weight of growing tensions and division.


This week, many were deeply dismayed by a vivid example of the disintegration of institutional norms and time-honored values when the Armenian police prevented the Catholicos of All Armenians and his delegation from making their annual visit to the Memorial at Sardarabad. His Holiness Karekin II was present to commemorate the martyrs who lost their lives in the victorious battle for freedom that led to the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia. However, instead of assisting the unimpeded entry of the delegation to the monument, the police held them at bay for no ostensible or justifiable reason.


While His Holiness and a handful of his delegation were finally allowed to enter the area, this inappropriate show of aggression on the part of the police unfortunately went viral for the world to see. When agents of the state fail to respect the highest authority of their national church, this is cause for concern and an affront to all Armenians of good faith. It is also a reminder that we need a renewed and unified commitment to our democratic principles and to the traditions of our national church, which for millennia has served as the pillar of identity for Armenians everywhere.”


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