Russian MFA: EU mission in Armenia - hybrid war tool -


Russian MFA: EU mission in Armenia - hybrid war tool


Yerevan /Mediamax/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said that “the EU mission further aggravates Armenia’s relations with neighbors - Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran.”

“The fact that the EU mission is a tool of hybrid war confirms its secrecy, non-accountability and uncontrollability by both Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as other interested countries and structures.


The mission carries out openly provocative activities, is fully engaged in anti-Russian propaganda, instilling false ideas in the Armenian society about the European Union as the “source of security and prosperity” for Armenia. Moreover, the activities of EU members are increasingly anti-Azerbaijani and anti-Iranian in nature,” the Russian deputy foreign minister said in an interview with


According to him, the key to the prosperity of the South Caucasus is the inclusive dialogue, in particular, within the framework of the “3+3” consultative regional platform.


“If we talk about the issues of long-term regional security, stability and social and economic development, the plans of Western countries to militarize the region and expand the military-political influence of the EU and NATO there are completely inconsistent with them.”


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