Azerbaijan breaks the promise to France -


Azerbaijan breaks the promise to France

Francois Rochebloine
Francois Rochebloine


Yerevan /Mediamax/. "France- Artsakh’’ parliamentary friendship group condemned downing of the Artsakh Defense Army helicopter by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

“We condemn the new outbreak of violation. We state that as always, it is the Azerbaijani authorities that are responsible for it again”, said MP of French parliament, President of “France-Artsakh” friendship group Francois Rochebloine.


He recalled that during the meeting with French President Hollande in Paris on October 27, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev together with his Armenian counterpart committed to take action to “defuse tension on the spot”.


“This provocation nullifies Azerbaijan’s commitments. We hoped Baku would adopt a more rational and constructive behavior after Armenia-Azerbaijan meeting on October 27 in Paris. Breaking the promise to France only a few days ago, the Azerbaijani leadership showed that it’s not a reliable partner in the region”, concluded Francois Rochebloine.


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