Armenian President: Eastern Partnership is not directed against any state -


Armenian President: Eastern Partnership is not directed against any state

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan

Photo: Press service of the Armenian President

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that the EU’s Eastern Partnership “is an initiative aimed at creating cooperation not contradictions; it is not directed against any state or a group of states.”

Armenian President said this at a press conference in Chisinau July 11, following the third European People's Party (EPP) Summit of the heads of states and governments of Eastern Partnership member states.


“This partnership is aimed to finally overcome the dividing lines,” Serzh Sargsyan stressed.


“For the effective work the Eastern Partnership should be understandable and available for every citizen of partner states of this initiative. We should ask ourselves: how does any agreement we sign make the life of citizens easier, how does it affect the quality of life of the citizens of Armenia, Moldova, Georgia? Our citizens should clearly see what they are going to get from this process,” said Serzh Sargsyan.


The head of the state pointed out that Armenia attaches special importance to stopping the policy of closed borders between the countries within the Eastern Partnership.


“After coming into force, the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement won’t fully work if the Armenian-Turkish border remains closed,” the noted.


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