Civil society demands from authorities to substantiate their decision to join the Customs Union -


Civil society demands from authorities to substantiate their decision to join the Customs Union

Boris Navasardyan
Boris Navasardyan

Photo: Photolure

Yerevan /Mediamax/.The Armenian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Civil Society Platform (CSF) expressed their disagreement and "deep frustration" regarding the statement of the President of the Republic of Armenia on joining the Customs Union and participating in the formation of the Eurasian Union.

The statement disseminated by the National Platform particularly reads that "the intentions of the Armenian authorities to join the Customs Union to the detriment of the Association Agreement with the EU contradict their numerous statements where they have declared European integration as a foreign policy priority", Mediamax reports.


"Serzh Sargsyan’s surprising announcement, which had such consequences, caused unrecoverable damage to Armenia’s international reputation as a trustworthy partner.


The claims of officials, politicians and some “too loyal” experts in our country, who tried to put the blame of the failure of the Association Agreement initialing on the Brussels’ shoulder, cannot stand any criticism. We find the decision by the European Union not to consider about 80 percent shortened (without deep and comprehensive free trade agreement) document completely substantial and normal, because no prior consultation and negotiation were held around this new approach", the statement notes.


The NGOs of the National Platform think the assessments about the economic calculations and security risks sound quite inconclusive.


"If such kind of concerns could be an obstacle on the way of association with the European Union, then they should have been revealed and studied much earlier and not at the end of negotiations. In that case, the preference that Yerevan gave to the Customs Union would be considered as more worthy and acceptable by all international partners and Armenian society. However, now all grounds are there to talk about national humiliation", the statement reads.


"Even if we assume, that by joining to the Customs Union the RA authorities received some immediate benefits for security and other spheres, there are, however, many reasons to suspect that for a long-term perspective country will become more vulnerable in terms of external threats. And the biggest of these threats is the tendency to neglect the interests of Armenia by international community and the uncontrolled process of concession of sovereignty.


In the current situation we demand from the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia to convene parliamentary hearings and invite special session, which will evaluate the latest announcement of the President of Armenia. We call on the MPs to be above political affiliations and demonstrate a trans-partial position on the issue of joining the Customs Union and refusing the Association Agreement, as this choice goes beyond the interests of certain political parties and predicts the future of Armenia for a long-term period. We invite the representatives of the Armenian authorities to take part in the conference of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s National Platform, which will take place in hotel “Hrazdan”, on 19 September 2013, 14:00-17:00; and present the justifications for Sargsyan’s announcement and the failure of the initialing of Association Agreement", the statement notes.


The National Platform representatives express the confidence that the situation can be improved only by consolidation of non-indifferent layers of the society and by civic activism.


"Irrespective of the developments of the coming months the Armenian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forums will be faithful to the European integration process and invites all the interested people for close cooperation", the statement made by the National Platform reads this.


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