Imbalanced Justice -

Imbalanced Justice

Imbalanced Justice

Justice is the first virtue of social institutions.
John Rawls

It is, perhaps, this simple principle being violated in terms of long-term in existing societies, and that is why we have witnessed the ''Arab Spring'' in March, the ''Occupy Wall-Street'' movement and other similar crises.

But the question arises, how the injustice has reached the level of becoming the basis for any crisis: in the Arab world, in the hands of the ruling regime, has accumulated vast wealth by creating inequalities and injustices within society, with most of people having no access to economic resources, while a small part of the public has accumulated the wealth reaching billions, as well as opportunities in their hands.

It seems that countries with democratic form of government can avoid a deep social crisis, but experience has shown that any violation of justice in society leads to crisis. The rising inequality in the western democratic societies has created a situation where wealth is centralized in the hands of few people. For example, in the United States more than 35% of the country's wealth is centralized in the hands of 1% of the population.

One of the reasons for the emergence of inequalities in the economy was the formation of new monopolies, and also the tax policy according to which Warren Buffett’s secretary was paying more taxes in the proportion of income than Buffett himself. And because of these inequalities the "Occupy Wall-Street" movement has begun By the way, the most recent action in the framework of the movement has taken place in front of the White House having environmental nature. Approximately 12,000 people required not to build oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. One of the slogans was: "Occupy the world."

It appears that the process also takes place throughout the world. In different cities, people go out to the streets with   hope of readjusting the justice. In Armenia similar initiatives started regarding different issues. Recently environmental initiatives seem to be more active: the victory of “Trchkan” and the “Hrazdan SOS” initiative show that the movement enlarges and will have continuous nature.

Recently, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Tigran Sargsyan in his speech at European People’s Party Assembly stated: “I have come to the conclusion that the link  connecting us with the European Union is the system of values that was formulated based on our Christian roots and justice, equality and impartial society.''

In reality we, by any means, never share, the values of equal and just society with the European Union. First of all the centralization of wealth doesn’t allow the possible equal opportunities to be provided for all the representatives of the society, subsequently speaking about justice in unequal conditions is already nonsense. Recently the Government has introduced the progressive taxation mechanism aimed at wealth redistribution. But it is obvious that the Government doesn’t comply with the tax administration, and the progressive taxation will not result in any change. Instead the Government can eliminate the barriers to entry inherent in the monopolistic markets. By entering  markets, large layers of society will guarantee some income for themselves. This is considered to be the best option aimed at redistributing the wealth.

In general, the centralization of wealth leads to crisis, and the  way outs are always more difficult for the layer of society that has centralized wealth in their hands. Global events, as well as Armenia's internal developments indicate that reorganization of the economy and redistribution of resources are the issues on agenda, and the non-implementation of  the above mentioned issues may lead to a disaster.

Armen Grigoryan is the Chairman of Democracy for Development NGO. These views are his own.


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Imbalanced Justice
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