Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh -


Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh

Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh
Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh

Photo: Press service of the NKR President

Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh
Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh

Photo: Press service of the NKR President

Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh
Armenian President watches the tank biathlon in Artsakh

Photo: Press service of the NKR President

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian and NKR Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Bako Sahakyan attended the exercises of the Defense Army in the central Artsakh on November 13.

The Presidents watched the tank biathlon and operations of other subdivisions and awarded valuable gifts to a group of military servicemen demonstrating high results during the exercises, the NKR presidential press service reports.


On the same day, the Armenian and NKR Presidents visited the Kashen mine run by Base Metals company and got acquainted with its operation.


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