The “mysterious four”, Henrikh Mkhitaryan and …Obama -


The “mysterious four”, Henrikh Mkhitaryan and …Obama

Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon
Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon

Photo: From children's personal archive

Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon
Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon

Photo: From children's personal archive

Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon
Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon

Photo: From children's personal archive

Tatev and Barack Obama
Tatev and Barack Obama

Photo: From children's personal archive

In recent days, a photo with four children wearing Henrikh Mkhitaryan t-shirts became very popular on the internet. While everyone was looking at them from behind, Mediamax managed to unveil the secret of “the mysterious four”.

Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon are siblings. Their family has lived in Washington D.C. since 2006.

Their father is a big football fan, and he passed his love towards sports to his children. The mother doesn’t play football, but encourages the family’s love to this sport and never misses her kids’ games. Yerevan-based grandfather has a role too, being the one who sent four Mkhitaryan t-shirts to Washington.

Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon

Photo: From children's personal archive

15-year-old Tatev, born in Gyumri, Armenia, played football in the US since age 8. Now she plays for her high school team. She spends summer holidays in Armenia, where she trains with peer girls at FC Tribune in Gyumri. In free time she performs as referee in children’s competitions.

Tatev is successful in basketball too - she plays for her school’s team. She dreams to become the first sportswoman to represent Armenia in national teams for two different sports.
Tatev and Barack Obama Tatev and Barack Obama

Photo: From children's personal archive

Tatev is A+ student, and she’s certain that playing sports doesn’t hinder learning. The most memorable moment of sport life for her was playing basketball against the team of one of Barack Obama’s daughters. During one of those games, Tatev took a picture with the U.S. President.

Tatev dreams to get a picture with her football idol Henrikh Mkhitaryan too.

9-year-old Taguhi also loves football and makes her first steps as a goalkeeper.
Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon Tatev, Taguhi, Tigran and Levon

Photo: From children's personal archive

7-year-old Tigran is crazy for football, and is a big fan of Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Tigran is also successful in football – he played in the competition of Washington’s best teams in 2016. He dreams to become a brilliant footballer like his famous countryman, and to play in the best clubs of the world.

And 2-year-old Levon loves to copy his family members and cling to his eldest sister’s legs.

Lena Gevorgyan


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