Lilit Babayan. Letter to Syeda Ghulam Fatima -


Lilit Babayan. Letter to Syeda Ghulam Fatima

How refulgent and bright the life is !!! It,s a pity, but this will confirm only the innocent newborn child, who could pronounce no word, but could make understand everyone from her/his first amazement for the new, so different world, a newborn child, who will never imagine, that her/his Auroras (dawns) will be faded one day and only the black will stay beside the rainbow-colors.

This is the result of the conflicts and struggles, which have being implemented for the sake of the glory, for the sake of religious and national discrimination, for the sake of territorial interests and aspirations, for the sake of authority and dominance and not for the sake of justice and human dignity, conflicts and struggles, which curtain all the heroic pages and glorious victories on the universal globe and always keep ringing mass atrocities, like the Armenian Genocide, Jewish Holocaust, Darfur, The Rwandan, The Srbrenica Genocides and also new creating ones, like The Syrian one.

''Incinerate your abandoned ships, destroy all the bridges behind you and after all these nothing can be left but moving forward”. Really a powerful commandment, which had decorated the golden biography and deeds of the noble friend of the Armenian nation, the greatest humanist Fridtyof Nansen, a very powerful commandment, which will be challanging for all generations to continue making histories and keeping eternal the identity, which has no right to be died wherever it is.

Dear Syeda Ghulam Fatima, I turn to you with my letter-request, I turn to you as a wise person, who justified her mission deriving from biblical prophecy and was lightened in our firmament as a luminary, as an eternal star, I turn to you to cultivate a very simple humanitarian appeal directed to the whole civilizations ''NEVER KILL THE SMILE''- it is not a luxury ornament on the face, it,s a testimony of innocence, it,s a testimony of fairness, it,s a testimony of purity and, finally, it,s a testimony of vitality.

I will be grateful to you for your efforts, but first of all I am very grateful to you for your Humankind, who bears palpitate heart under her breast and runs her life listening to the only fairest voice, the voice of her conscience.

Thanks again for your being an idol of inspiration.

Kind Regards,
Lilit Babayan


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