Turks are “unhappy” with Putin’s remarks, U.S. official believes - Mediamax.am


Turks are “unhappy” with Putin’s remarks, U.S. official believes


Yerevan /Mediamax. An anonymous U.S. diplomat has said that "Turks are very unhappy with Putin’s remarks.”

This statement is in the transcript of a briefing by two U.S. diplomats accompanying U.S. Secretary of State Mike Popmeo, which the U.S. State Department has published on its website.


Answering the question about Turkey sending peacekeepers into Nagorno-Karabakh, the anonymous diplomat said:


“It’s unclear if you look at what the Russians say what Turkey’s role is in the agreement that was reached a week ago. We wait and see. It is very interesting to see Putin essentially saying there are no Turks there, and the Turks have been very unhappy about that. ”


The diplomat has added that “certainly, bringing in foreign fighters from other regions is not considered a sign for stability.”


In the interview to “RTR” channel (PTP) on November 17, Russian President noted that given the factor of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, presence of Turkish troops on the line of contact would be a “provocation” for the Armenian side. “I believe President Erdogan did and does understand it well,” said Putin.


He also noted that Turkey’s role would be limited to a joint monitoring center in Azerbaijan, which will monitor the situation on the line of contact with UAVs.


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