5/10/15: Bryza’s “separatism”, Aliyev’s accusations, Karasin’s “justice” - Mediamax.am


5/10/15: Bryza’s “separatism”, Aliyev’s accusations, Karasin’s “justice”


Matthew Bryza and Robert Kocharyan
Matthew Bryza and Robert Kocharyan

Photo: Photolure


Ilham Aliyev
Ilham Aliyev


Grigory Karasin
Grigory Karasin

Photo: Aif.md

Today we live in a society, which can not imagine life without expressing views on social media. Probably it does have certain advantages. Nevertheless, many participants of active discussions have already forgotten or do not even know about the developments, which unfolded in Armenia 5, 10 or 15 years ago.


To fill the gap Mediamax presents 5/10/15 project, which introduce developments in Armenia 5, 10 and 15 years ago.


•    15 YEARS AGO: AUGUST 1-7, 2007


“Till gaining independence or autonomy”


On August 6 the U.S. co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza, said that he “represented a country founded by separatists.”


“There are three main principles that influence our talks: refusal to apply force, recognition of the territorial integrity of the states and the right for self-determination. A compromise should be found among these principles in every conflict. For instance, I represent a country founded by separatists. Not long after other countries recognized our independence, we have got a right for self-determination. And at that very time, in the XVIII century, after some years, other former colonies [of Spain] also needed our help in order we recognized their independence. But we said: “No, thank you, it is not in our interests”. They said: “But we have recognized your independence!” But we answered that in each case the approaches differed from each other,” Matthew Bryza said.


In reply to the question how it is possible today to find a compromise between preserving the territorial integrity and the right for national self-determination, the U.S. mediator said:

Matthew Bryza and Robert Kocharyan Matthew Bryza and Robert Kocharyan

Photo: Photolure

“This is the leaders’ problem. The right for self-determination may come to gaining independence or autonomy. And as a mediator or as a diplomat I cannot determine what the status would be, it is not my problem. May be the representatives of the people will decide in the future that it is better for Karabakh to be independent?  And may be they will decide that it is better to be a part of Azerbaijan with a very high level of independence? But this is not my problem. I can say that today according to the international law we recognize Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. The talks are proceeding, we are searching for a compromise.”


Matthew Bryza noted that “in accordance with the Azerbaijan’s constitution the referendum should be held with the participation of all the Azerbaijani citizens.”


“If so, then what will there be with the Karabakh’s status, what result will there be? And the Armenian side is now reflecting upon this, what is better for the country, what this referendum will mean if the Azerbaijani side is fully taking part in it? And there may be another definition, another name, which will reflect the quantity of votes or inhabitants or former inhabitants of Karabakh that can take part in the vote. And this is the presidents’ problem, not mine,” the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairman said.


Armenia “attempts to deceive the mediators”


On August 7 Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev accused the Armenian side of the “attempts to deceive the mediators and to drag out time.”


He stated that Baku is committed to peace process and believes that the negotiating process has not run out yet.

Ilham Aliyev Ilham Aliyev


“The insincerity of the opposite side - the attempts to deceive the mediators and to drag out time will lead to nothing. The more the time goes on the weaker their positions become, and ours become stronger. May be, the return of the Azerbaijani territories is not in the interests of certain politicians that hold different posts. Probably, they pursue such unconstructive policy to please their political ambitions. But this is not in the interests of the Armenian people. If Armenia understands this and puts an end to the policy of occupation, the relations between Baku and Yerevan may normalize, and the Armenian people will get more cooperating with us than from foreign pittance,” Ilham Aliyev said.


•    10 YEARS AGO: AUGUST 1-7, 2012


“Within OSCE Minsk Group”


Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin said on August 7 that efforts toward settlement of Karabakh conflict should be focused on OSCE Minsk Group as before.

Grigory Karasin Grigory Karasin

Photo: Aif.md

"Armenia and Azerbaijan are our close partners within CIS. We value our relations both with Yerevan and Baku and do our best fairly and honestly to bring the positions of both sides on Nagorno Karabakh together. It's an extremely difficult and complex topic which has its roots and its history. I think we should focus our efforts on the Minsk Group as before. There is Minsk Group comprising Co-Chairs and representatives of France, United States, Russia, OSCE representatives which work very conscientiously: they travel to the region, meet with Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders, help them find acceptable wording for future documents. We support this activity in every possible way and expect it to yield a definite result in the nearest future," said the Russian diplomat.


•    5 YEARS AGO:  AUGUST 1-7, 2017


“Smoke less”


On August 3 Armenian Government approved the 2017-2020 Anti-smoking Strategy and Events program.


The program is aimed at reducing tobacco consumption in Armenia, maintaining public health, and lowering the index of non-contagious diseases.


“Smoke less,” Karen Karapetyan urged.


Ara Tadevosyan


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